Section: New Results

New results: quantum control

New results have been obtained for the control of the bilinear Schrödinger equation.

  • In [4] we show the approximate rotational controllability of a polar linear molecule by means of three nonresonant linear polarized laser fields. The result is based on a general approximate controllability result for the bilinear Schroedinger equation, with wavefunction varying in the unit sphere of an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space and with several control potentials, under the assumption that the internal Hamiltonian has discrete spectrum. A further general results, extending the above approach, are obtained in [16] .

  • In [5] we provide a short introduction to modern issues in the control of infinite dimensional closed quantum systems, driven by the bilinear Schroedinger equation. The first part is a quick presentation of some of the numerous recent developments in the fields. This short summary is intended to demonstrate the variety of tools and approaches used by various teams in the last decade. In a second part, we present four examples of bilinear closed quantum systems. These examples were extensively studied and may be used as a convenient and efficient test bench for new conjectures. Finally, we list some open questions, both of theoretical and practical interest.

  • In [6] we study the so-called spin-boson system, namely a spin-1/2 particle in interaction with a distinguished mode of a quantized bosonic field. We control the system via an external field acting on the bosonic part. Applying geometric control techniques to the Galerkin approximation and using perturbation theory to guarantee non-resonance of the spectrum of the drift operator, we prove approximate controllability of the system, for almost every value of the interaction parameter.

  • In [9] and [25] we investigate the controllability of a quantum electron trapped in a two-dimensional device. The problem is modeled by the Schroedinger equation in a bounded domain coupled to the Poisson equation for the electrical potential. The controller acts on the system through the boundary condition on the potential, on a part of the boundary modeling the gate. We prove that, generically with respect to the shape and boundary conditions on the gate, the device is controllable. In [25] We also consider control properties of a more realistic nonlinear version of the device, taking into account the self-consistent electrostatic Poisson potential.

  • In [18] we study the controllability of a closed control-affine quantum system driven by two or more external fields. We provide a sufficient condition for controllability in terms of existence of conical intersections between eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian in dependence of the controls seen as parameters. Such spectral condition is structurally stable in the case of three controls or in the case of two controls when the Hamiltonian is real. The spectral condition appears naturally in the adiabatic control framework and yields approximate controllability in the infinite-dimensional case. In the finite-dimensional case it implies that the system is Lie-bracket generating when lifted to the group of unitary transformations, and in particular that it is exactly controllable. Hence, Lie algebraic conditions are deduced from purely spectral properties. Another contribution of [18] is the proof that approximate and exact controllability are equivalent properties for general finite-dimensional quantum systems.